
Instagram artwork for the energy bar brand

As Designer at Studio Misfits, I had the pleasure of designing social media assets for Power Crunch, the energy bar company. Working with a combination of Cinema 4d, Photoshop, and After Effects, I developed a visual language for the brand on Instagram.  I combined: 3D renders of the bars, my own photos, stock photos, and even food typography to create engaging content for Power Crunch's core audience. Under each photo or video I have included a brief description of my role in the creating the artwork.




Photoshop, CInema 4D, After Effects


Warren Ellison – Creative Director


For this artwork, I rendered the package in Cinema 4d, Photographed the bar and the bar ingredients, and composited everything in Photoshop.
I highlighted the brand's slogan "Elevate the Everyday" by hand lettering this design in procreate.
For this series of three, I teamed up with hand-letterer Gabby Bagiu to illustrate three of the Power Crunch flavors using real food ingredients. Gabby handled the lettering, while I art directed, photographed, and retouched the images. Click the image to view fullscreen.
I designed and animated this ad in After Effects to compare Power Crunch's ingredients to other common protein bar ingredients.
I designed this using Cinema 4d, Photoshop, and After Effects to celebrate the tip off of the NBA season.
I used Cinema 4d, and After Effects to animate this bar comparison.
For this triptych, I composited stock imagery with 3D renders to create a "balanced snack." Click to view fullscreen.
For this looping isometric animation, I rendered the bars in Cinema 4D, then rigged and animated them in After Effects.

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